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The most up to date information from Chiswell Associates Promotions.
Why You Should Work From A Coffee Shop. Even When You Have An Office
Here are some great reasons why working from a coffee shop once in a while might be beneficial to your work day:
- A change in environment stimulates creativity - Routine stifles creativity. Changing your environment brings fresh input and stimulation.
- Fewer distractions - Believe it or not but a busy coffee shop can be less distracting than your office. A coffee shop combines anonymity with a…
Added by Chiswell Associates on Tue, April 02, 2013
The benefits of promotional merchandise
Strong branding is essential to any company, helping to get your firm recognised by more people and established as one that can be trusted.
Added by Chiswell Associates on Sat, April 28, 2012
Looking for a different way to promote your business?
Could you save money and get a better response from marketing your business?
Added by Chiswell Associates on Thu, April 19, 2012
Rebranding your business
Some helpful tips for re-branding your company.
Information brought to you from 'Growing Business' - An essential resource for Entrepreneurs.
Added by Chiswell Associates on Wed, January 18, 2012
Does swag work?
Great tips for using promotional products from Fast Company.
Added by Chiswell Associates on Tue, December 20, 2011
Deliver a higher ROI than most forms of advertising!!
• Promotional merchandise can deliver a higher or equal ROI than most forms of advertising.
• 66% of respondents said they could remember the brand on the promotional product they received during the last year.
• 79% said they were likely to do business with the company in the future.
• 8 out of 10 (84 per cent) respondents said…
Added by Chiswell Associates on Thu, December 15, 2011
Popular Products
Badges & Plaques
Badges, plaques, coasters...
Can be branded lots of different ways.

Browse our extensive superb range of pens.
Over 220 varieties.

Healthcare and Beauty
Products for the summer.
Branded Holiday products.

Fully customisable, show your brand whilst keeping dry.
298 styles to choose from.

Caps & Headwear
Quality head-wear at an affordable price.
Standard stock and bespoke designs available